Three pieces of the same similar song...
A sign of it starts here should be displayed.
The other rocking way to say stop. Or the finest way to send to hell every-one-thing…?
It was Monday and I certainly got enough energy. Enough to work hard again but nothing else. Tuesday… I have barely energy to move on and again I make a recall to that conversation. Why did I stop? I guess I have with this the 6th part of it ‘cause it’s been so many tries to get here and the truth is all of them are true.
I guess playing the catharsis I did stop writing ‘cause there was no blood, there was no rain, no water in the river flowing. Not so good flow that could let glow another piece of inspiration. And it could be this is the song number “again” of the stop it right there—NOW!
How many months did I let pass… friend forgive me. But that was not true, all intentions, all what I’ve said believe me the half. Not because a lack of truth, but a lack of time and life feeling.
Now I’m back. Am I? I don’t know at all but I got it, you got it…” we all got it”. When it’s a normal day at work and we just cannot succeed with the same silly rows with coworkers, same rows with people outside. With our hearts-minds?
So I took the chance to bet on me. To bet for all the time missing, passed, future, in our imagination, in our plans… bet for all the time we have everyday ‘cause you know something? Time is one of the few things we somehow own. As it is to life. I don’t know if my tomorrow’s happy five hours will become in 8 hours. So I take the chance NOW!
If there is a road to fulfill, if there’s some ideas to clear, some projects to create I understand. There’s not anymore the old naïve angel. Not the one of tonight. I wanna run, I wanna tell you that everything is going to be I don’t know, but it is going to be.
The less we do, the less we know. And we only sometimes instead of thinking that life has a path and we are in that lovely, interesting, awful, boring, exciting one. We are. We are all of the fields on earth. We are the I don’t want to wake up now and the tomorrow I want to get to
It’s just I found we fake so many things, even the things we think are normal or things we use to like. And not at all. It’s like living in a gray’s scale but between black and white. Then why not to turn left or right but do something?
I guess life presents itself like a picture, like a labyrinth what we may or should follow. But is that place, the comfortable zone what makes me tired of. I don’t want anymore to send mails and tell tomorrow this is going to happen ‘cause I have all the strength in my veins, and I don’t want more tomorrows. I need them I know. Tomorrow is like a drug, but I want to remove bad habits of believing in a tomorrow and start writing in the todays.
I’m the first one who heard this song. But life is precious in a music library. So don’t excuse me but excuse me if I play a similar song written in similar ideas. What I’m trying to say is that perhaps it was not talked at all.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen and let me not fake it but play it loud ‘til I get the proper colors again.
So Marcie took the train. She knew she was taking a risk. Love was there, still trapped, her uncle as well. But she had to take this chance. It was two fronts and she was at the middle. But this man was the lost key to get them all back. It was not only a family situation, but it was the time of not fooling around anymore.
- Yes?
- Hello? May I speak to Mr. Kurchenko?
- Who is this?
- I’m Marcia, Love’s old neighbor.
- Kurchenko on the phone. Tell me, how’s your mother?
- She’s fine, but some others not so sir.
- How d’you mean?
- Well, I’m at
- I think old messages should be kept Marcie. We are just not over that line by the moment.
- I know and I didn’t meant to bother you, but we’re not so many and we have no option. Love needs you and we need your help.
- After so many years of chemistry, suddenly I have someone who remembers about me? May I say…no?
- Look, we are not teenagers anyumore and I don’t know your picture about me, but what can I tell is that Love is not on the right path and this is not a try.
- Please meet my son at the entrance of the Mercy’s. Anything you need to tell me, you can tell him. Goobye.
- But…
A pissed father could be the worst person to talk to, but never as a grandfather.
- Mars!!! Jesus!!! How long are you thinking you can hold onto this? Your dog’s mad. Even me!
- Mom I called Kurchenko.
- What??? If you had a future, that was not exactly the way darling.
- I know mom, but I really don’t mind to break the rules if this means we’re all going to get a long.
- What did he say?
- Well, he asked for you. Probably you can tell why ‘cause I don’t.
- Leave it for the next meeting… And, what else?
- Well, thank you for your comprehension madam! He will send his son to talk to me.
- Nikolas?! What the…. Marcia this is too far. If Love was lost, this wont help.
- Well, you can come and switch. He’s the only one who can take us back.
- What happened to uncle Robert?
- He’s fine, but we suddenly turned into their strategic slaves.
- Great, should I start praying?
- You should since the very first time. Gotta go.
- Have you seen the day? ^Please don’t let it rain over you kid ok?
- Ok mom. Love you!
- Love me when you’re back. Bye
Mars was confused and thinking about past times. It was not that Love was strange, just that holding a mafia CV wouldn’t help his interests. Not when he was about to take the vows before his brother. Too late to realize tat was not his world. Of course, not his business to leave family’s business close to bankruptcy. He was not anymore one of them, a trophy for their interests, at least not for Mars view.
Let’s wonder a bit:
And one of my new inseparable best friends.
Thank you! Come back again!
And remember, don’t be strangers!